Publicaciones 1999
- Fernández-Britto JE, Wong R, Contreras D, Delgado J, Campos R, Norder P. Impacto del tabaquismo como factor de riesgo aterosclerótico en edades tempranas. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [Internet]. 1999 Dic [citado 26 Feb 2013];18(3):176-88. Disponible en:
- Menéndez Cabezas A, Fernández-Britto Rodríguez JE. Metabolismo de la homocisteína y su relación con la aterosclerosis. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [Internet]. 1999 Dic [citado 26 Feb 2013];18(3):155-68. Disponible en:
- Fernández-Britto Rodríguez JE, Castillo Herrera JA, Taquechel Tusiente N, Barriuso Andino A, Vilaú F. Aterosclerosis, colesterol y pared arterial: algunas reflexiones. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [Internet]. 1999 Dic [citado 26 Feb 2013];18(3):169-75. Disponible en:
- Fernández-Britto JE, Wong R, Contreras D, Nordet P, Sternby NH. Pathomorphometrical characteristics of atherosclerosis in youth. A multinational investigation of WHO/World Heart Federation (1986-1996), using atherometric system [abstract]. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis [Internet]. 1999 Oct [cited 2017 Nov 13];9(5):210-9. Available from:
- Sternby NH, Nordet P, Fernandez Britto J. World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Heart Federation (WHF) Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth Study (WHO/WHF PBDAY Study) 1986-1996. An overview and general considerations [abstract]. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis [Internet]. 1999 Aug [cited 2017 Nov 13];9(4):168-74. Available from:
- Sternby NH, Fernandez-Britto JE, Nordet P. Pathobiological determinants of atherosclerosis in youth (PBDAY Study), 1986-96. Bull World Health Organ [Internet]. 1999 [cited 2013 Feb 26];77(3):250-7. Available from:
- Nasiff Hadad A, Muñiz Lodos EG. Lipicid: software para la detección, evaluación y tratamiento de las dislipidemias. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [Internet]. 1999 Ago [citado 18 Abr 2013];18(2):86-90. Disponible en:
- Pereztol O, Batista JF, Valdés JA, Rochela LM, Sosa F, López D, et al. Myocardial reversibility detection. Rest NTG99mTc-MIBI versus201TI reinjection. Preliminary results. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry [Internet]. 1999 May [cited 2015 May 18];240(2):489-97. Available from:
- Batista JF, Pereztol O, Valdés JA, Sánchez E, Stusser R, Rochela LM, et al. Improved detection of myocardial perfusion reversibility by rest-nitroglycerin Tc-99m-MIBI: Comparison with Tl-201 reinjection. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology [Internet]. 1999 Sep-Oct [cited 2015 May 18];6(5):480-6. Available from:
- Batista JF, Tain J, Stusser R, Pereztol O, Lopez D, Rochela L, et al. Nitroglycerin-radionuclide angiography improves detection of reversible left ventricular dysfunction before cabs. J Nucl Cardiol [Internet]. 1999 Ene-Feb [cited 2018 Jul 19];6(1 part 1):S106. Available from: