Half of American adults have diabetes or prediabetes: study

About half of American adults have diabetes or are about to, according to new national data. Nearly 40% have prediabetes, and 12% to 14% have the illness itself, reports the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers found that diabetes was most prevalent in Hispanics (23%), blacks (22%) and Asians (21%), and that 11% of whites had the disease.

This was the first look at diabetes prevalence in Asian-Americans, who had the highest percentage of undiagnosed cases — 51%. The good news is that the numbers, while high, have stayed stagnant in recent years: Not much has changed since 2007. “This plateauing of diabetes prevalence is consistent with obesity trends in the United States showing a leveling off around the same period,” the authors wrote.

Fuente: NY Daily news

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