El Artículo titulado: Well Child Care: A Comprehensive Strategy for Cuban Children and Adolescents, de las autoras: Dra. Esquivel M, Álvarez G, Dra. Izquierdo ME, Dra. Martínez D, y Dra. Tamayo V, ha sido publicado en la revista MEDICC Review . Consta entre los más leídos en línea en el mes de febrero /2014, con 183 visitas (in January 2014, Vol 16, No 1). Se trata de una estrategia diseñada para la atención integral de los niños y adolescentes basada en una mejor calidad de la Puericultura.
The notable rise in survival rates of Cuban children has presented new challenges in the search for continued improvement of their welfare and quality of life. These advances can be achieved only to the extent that preventive care and health promotion are also improved. This article describes the design of a strategy for comprehensive care of children and adolescents based on better quality of well child visits, defining visit components, age-specific activities for each visit, and guidelines for followup based on visit findings. Complementary to the strategy, indicators and standards are identified for systematic evaluation of visit quality, enabling collection of objective and specific information about individual visits and assessment of trends over time, which in turn facilitates further improvements in this strategy over the long term.